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Surreal Friends (WIP) Installation, 2022

Work in progress for The Museo Leonora Carrington de San Luis Potosí. The piece will be downloadable audio guide to accompany visitors to the Museo.

Hybrid beings, chimerae from hallucinations that verge on the edge of nightmare, surge from the depths of some collective unconscious, objects of hope and of desire. Her sculptures are a mixture of vegetable, animal and human that morph from one state to another.

The WIP audio was recorded during my residency at The Museo Leonora Carrington de San Luis Potosí, Las Pozas in Xilitla and Mexico City. Additionally there will be a spoken word element to the piece influenced by her paintings, publishing short stories, a novel (The Hearing Trumpet) and memoir (Down Below) that preceded her flight from Europe to Mexico.


However, her art – from paintings and murals to stage designs, sculptures and costumes – stands at the heart of her vision. Drawing on Celtic, Catholic, Jewish and Mesoamerican legend, lore and ritual, it weaves these mingled sources into an ecstatic, enigmatic bestiary.

Supported by a bursary from a-n The Artists Information Company 2018.

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