We now come to the first of six public information broadcasts for the DETECTION OF MYSTERY RIDERS. This broadcast is brought to you by Chorus, TEACHER AT THE INSTITUTE OF THE INVISIBLE, LONDON
There are some things you should know to acquire a working knowledge of how science, engineering and technology have progressed in the detection of Mystery Riders. Note down official instructions. Keep a pencil and paper by your wireless set.
The CAT’S WHISKER HINTS and INSTRUCTIONS for CRYSTAL RADIOS The Crystal Set Radio Initiative gives the People of Britain the methodology to listen to sounds of Mystery Riders over the air. Crystal set radios are designed to receive sinusoidal waveforms transmitted via an antenna. The ambient sounds of Mystery Riders will first be transformed into vibrating electrical signals and then converted into radio waves. Radio aerials within the range of the transmitter will detect the sound waves generated by Mystery Riders. The coil and tuning capacitor select the radio signals to be decoded into sound, the amplifier boosts the sound signal through the listening ear device, which then converts the radio signal back into sound. We can now use this new tracking device to listen to Mystery Riders’ communication transmitters and signals.
This information broadcast has been brought to you by the INSTITUTE OF THE INVISIBLE.
